Piero Pacini

Le sedi dell’Accademia del Disegno, al «Cestello» e alla «Crocetta»

2001, cm 17 x 24, xvi-290 pp. con 32 ill. f.t. in b.n. e 1 tav. f.t. a col.

ISBN: 9788822250346

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The discovery of new graphical documents and the analysis of the papers conserved in public and conventual archives, not easily accessible, have allowed us to recover the architectural aspect of the head office of the Accademia del Disegno when at the ancient ‘Cestello’ (between 1567 and 1628) and later at ‘Crocetta’ (between 1637 and 1784). Both these offices were destroyed during the 19th century leaving almost no trace.

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