Le héros légendaire sur les scènes du théâtre et de l’opéra
Actes du 9e Colloque International (Paris, Aix-les-Bains, 20-26 octobre 1999)
A cura di I. Mamczarz
Teatro. Studi e testi, vol. 10
2001, cm 17 x 24, xx-358 pp. con 10 tavv. f.t.
ISBN: 9788822249845
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The legendary heroes have left a decisive mark on the theatrical art in Europe from the Middle Ages to the present day. Thanks to the genius of playwrights, librettists and composers, these heroes have undergone many metamorphoses over the centuries. Some of them – originally mythological characters or figures of national or regional folk legends – have inspired masterpieces of the European dramatic and lyric theatre.
French text.