Dino Campana
Sperso per il mondo. Autografi sparsi (1906-1918)

A cura di G. Cacho Millet

2000, cm 17 x 24, xviii-242 pp. con 4 tavv. f.t. di cui 2 a colori e 91 ill. n.t.

ISBN: 9788822248541

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€ 37,00 € 35,15
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The autographs collected here, dispersed in various Italian funds, archives and libraries anticipate, are part of and represent an epilogue to «Canti Orfici», the only book that the poet wrote, published in 1914. The documents have been rigorously put into order, transcribed and photographically reproduced to save them from a destiny that «is and has been inappropriate like that of the author» and to set forth discussions, often solicited by critics, on the work of the vagabond, visionary and orphic poet.

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