Leon Battista Alberti. Architettura e cultura
1999, cm 17 x 24, xii-388 pp. con 7 figg. n.t. e 54 tavv. f.t.
ISBN: 9788822247711
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A collection of contributions by some of the greatest scholars on Leon Battista Alberti covering all the various aspects of his versatile personality. The studies also spread out covering the entire context of Italian Humanities.
Essays by: Gallico, Borsi, Bruschi, Thoene, Günther, Tönnesmann, Aronberg Lavin, Trachtenberg, Martelli, Bonomi, Tenenti, Vasoli, Castelli, Zanoncelli, Federici Vescovini, Cieri Via, Parronchi, Scalzo, Signorini, Böckmann, Belluzzi, Romani, Giovannoni, Manenti Vitali.
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