La Certosa di Vedana
Storia, cultura e arte in un ambiente delle Prealpi bellunesi

Atti del colloquio (Sospirolo (Belluno), 21 ottobre 1995)
A cura di L. S. Magoga e F. Marin

1998, cm 17 x 24, xxvi-218 pp. con 30 tavv. f.t. a col., 33 figg. f.t. b.n. e un pieghevole a col.

ISBN: 9788822246592

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In the time-honoured tradition of the Charterhouse of Vedana, environment, history, religion and architecture mix into an unmistakable identity. The volume of the Proceedings focuses the documentary and artistic heritage of the Charterhouse from a number of different perspectives; it is the first outline of such heritage and a cue for further research.

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