Modernismo in Portogallo (1910-1940)
Arte e società nel tempo di Fernando Pessoa

Catalogo della mostra
a cura di S. De Rosa

1997, cm 17 x 24, 154 pp. con 74 tavv. f.t. a col. e 3 b.n.

ISBN: 9788822245243

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€ 43,00 € 40,85
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A selection of 77 works by 18 Portuguese artists, presently involved in the task of bringing into their own society a breath of artistic and literary renovation on a European scale, is exhibited to an Italian public for the first time. Modernism was concluded in 1940, when Oliveira Salazar wanted to celebrate the history of Portugal with a great exhibition held in Lisbon which was made possible by the participation of artists who by then had submitted themselves to collaborate with the government.

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