Bonaventura Rubino

Vespro dello Stellario
Con sinfonie ed altri salmi (1655)

A cura di G. Collisani e D. Ficola

1996, cm 24 x 33,5, lii-482 pp. con 6 tavv. f.t.

ISBN: 9788822244345

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€ 148,00 € 140,60
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Bonaventura Rubino held the position of cathedral chapel-master at Palermo between 1643 and 1665 where he published his seven works, forming a single liturgical work entitled «Tesoro armonico». It resumes, amplifies and developes Monteverdi's «Selva». This fifth opera contains twenty three «Salmo varii variamente concertati con sinfonie d'obligo et a beneplacito»: amongst them those directed by the composer himself in the memorable vespers of 1644 of which a fidelity reproduction today recorded on CD was awarded the Premio Vivaldi in 1995.

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