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Enrico Giusti
Enrico Giusti è stato docente di Analisi Matematica e Storia della Matematica presso le Università di L’Aquila, Trento, Pisa e Firenze. Ha svolto ricerca e attività didattica a livello internazionale. Dal Calcolo delle Variazioni (soprattutto teoria delle superfici minime e teoria della regolarità per le equazioni alle derivate parziali), ha poi concentrato la ricerca sulla Storia della Matematica europea de XIII-XVII secolo. È fondatore e direttore Il Giardino di Archimede, il primo museo completamente dedicato alla matematica e alle sue applicazioni.
Enrico Giusti was professor of Mathematical Analysis and History of Mathematics at the Universities of L’Aquila, Trento, Pisa and Florence. He has carried out research and teaching activities at an international level. From the Calculus of Variations (mainly Theory of minimum surfaces and Theory of regularity for partial derivative equations), he then focused his research on the History of European Mathematics of the 13th-17th centuries. He is the founder and director of The Garden of Archimedes, the first museum completely dedicated to mathematics and its applications. - (giugno 2020) -
Enrico Giusti was professor of Mathematical Analysis and History of Mathematics at the Universities of L’Aquila, Trento, Pisa and Florence. He has carried out research and teaching activities at an international level. From the Calculus of Variations (mainly Theory of minimum surfaces and Theory of regularity for partial derivative equations), he then focused his research on the History of European Mathematics of the 13th-17th centuries. He is the founder and director of The Garden of Archimedes, the first museum completely dedicated to mathematics and its applications. - (giugno 2020) -
Biblioteca di «Nuncius», vol. 79
2020, cm 17 x 24, cxviii-824 pp. con 22 tavole f.t. a colori. Edizione rilegata in cofanetto. Il volume è stampato su carta indiana, rilegato in seta con impressioni dorate
ISBN: 9788822266583
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