1 titles

Quentin Skinner

Quentin Skinner is Barber Beaumont Professor of the Humanities at Queen Mary, University of London. He is Fellow of the British Academy and many other learned societies, and holds numerous Honorary Degrees and Fellowships from universities all over the world. Skinner’s historical research presents an original interpretation of the genesis of political categories and points of view during the medieval and early modern periods in Europe. His fundamental contribution in this area, The Foundations of Modern Political Thought (CUP 1978), has long been regarded as a classic. His 2006 Balzan Prize research project resulted in the publication of Freedom and the Construction of Europe (CUP 2013). - (giugno 2016) -

Quentin Skinner

The Annual Balzan Lecture, vol. 7

2016, cm 17 x 24, 78 pp. con 4 tavv. f.t. a colori

ISBN: 9788822264602

€ 21,00 € 19,95