2 titles
Alina Payne
Alina Payne is Professor of History of Art and Architecture at Harvard University. She is the author of The Architectural Treatise in the Italian Renaissance (Cambridge University Press, 1999), Rudolf Wittkower (Bollati-Boringheri, 2010) and From Ornament to Object. Genealogies of Architectural Modernism (Yale University Press, 2012), editor of Displacements. Architecture and the Other Side of the Known (Toronto 2000) and co-editor of Antiquity and Its Interpreters (Cambridge University Press, 2000). She has held visiting appointments at Villa I Tatti (Florence), Kunsthistorisches/ Max Planck Institut (Florence), École Pratique des Hautes études (Paris) and Hertziana/ Max Planck Institute (Rome). She is the holder of the Max Planck and Alexander von Humboldt Prize in the Humanities (2006-11).
Biblioteca dell'«Archivum Romanicum». Serie I: Storia, Letteratura, Paleografia, vol. 394
2012, cm 17 x 24, x-414 pp. con 102 figg. n.t. English text.
ISBN: 9788822261632
Biblioteca dell'«Archivum Romanicum». Serie I: Storia, Letteratura, Paleografia, vol. 393
2012, cm 17 x 24, xx-242 pp. con 96 figg. n.t.
ISBN: 9788822261229
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