Rivista europea

a cura della sezione di Francesistica del Dipart. di Lettere Lingue Arti Italianistica e Culture comparate Università di Bari Aldo Moro e del Dipart. di Lingue e letterature Straniere dell'Università di Milano

1967, cm 17 x 24

ISBN: id-4038

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  • About this book

Edited by the Universities of Bari and Milan, «Studi di Letteratura Francese» shares a general view of language, history and French literature, from the origins up until today. Mainly involved in contemporary matters, SLF deals with men, events, ideas and myths. The review moves around two fundamental methodological points: a strong sense of being part of scientific community and a banishment of all transient proposals. Fostering a throwback to Humanism, SLF considers French literature as a huge laboratory, within a global view, particularly focusing on linguistic questions and never disregarding schools, groups and individuals.

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