Papiri filosofici
Miscellanea di studi VI

(Accademia toscana di scienze e lettere «La Colombaria» ~ Union Académique Internationale ~ Unione Accademica Nazionale)

2011, cm 17 x 24, x-322 pp. con 5 ill. n.t., 16 tavv. a colori f.t. e un pieghevole a colori.

ISBN: 9788822261151

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€ 49,00 € 46,55
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The volume, dedicated to the memory of Francesco Adorno, president of the Corpus, contains sixteen papers divided into three sections. The section on the Derveni Papyrus covers the reconstruction of the scroll and the placement of new fragments on the first columns of scroll. Another section provides new commented editions of various philosophical papyri. A section with papyri on ancient logic includes studies and editions of both Aristotelian and anonymous texts.

Corpus of Greek and Latin Philosophical Papyri. Texts and Lexicon

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