Girolamo Mercuriale
Medicina e cultura nell'Europa del Cinquecento

Atti del Convegno «Girolamo Mercuriale e lo spazio scientifico e culturale del Cinquecento» (Forlì, 8-11 novembre 2006)
A cura di Alessandro Arcangeli e Vivian Nutton

2008, cm 17 x 24, viii-358 pp. con 40 figg. n.t. e 8 tavv. f.t.

ISBN: 9788822257406

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€ 43,00 € 40,85
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Girolamo Mercuriale (1530-1606) was a humanist and doctor with a European reputation. In this volume experts from around the world reconstruct his career within its historical and cultural context, and assess his scientific output, which ranged from philological studies to a variety of medical specialties. His work on gymnastics, or physical exercise, for which he is best known, is also examined within the substantially broader range of his medical and cultural interests.

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