
XI Colloquio Internazionale (Roma, 8-10 gennaio 2004)
Atti a cura di M. Veneziani

2005, cm 17 x 24, viii-546 pp. con 49 tavv. f.t.e 36 figg. n.t.

ISBN: 9788822254191

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€ 67,00 € 63,65
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Twenty-five contributions presented at this international colloquium, edited by Marco Veneziani, focusing on the evolution of the concept of machine and «machinism» from ancient to the modern times, from its original primitive meaning of automaton to the many complex contemporary ramifications which are evident in daily life, scientific and technological thought, the history of ideas, philosophy, politics, rhetoric, etc.
Essays by: Settis, Belardi, Canfora, Krömer, Argoud, Di Pasquale, Simeoni, Hamesse, Busa SJ, Galluzzi, Bolzoni, Canone, Stabile, Armogathe, Sina, Totaro, Palaia, Lamarra, Pimpinella, Verbeek, Veneziani, Hinske, Viganò, Irti, Robinet.

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