Una Manna buona per Mantova
Man tov le-Man Tovah. Studi in onore di Vittore Colorni per il suo 92° compleanno

A cura di M. Perani

2004, cm 17 x 24, xxvi-710 pp. con 4 figg. n.t. e 44 ill. f.t.

ISBN: 9788822253668

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€ 89,00 € 84,55
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This Festschrift, edited by Mauro Perani, is published in honor of Vittore Colorni on his 92nd birthday. The 31 contributions, all of them on the history of the Jews in Italy, are by the world’s foremost authorities on this subject, which Colorni pioneered with several articles published in 1934 -1935 and his first monograph of 1945; the latter remains unsurpassed as the standard history of the legal status of Jews on the Italian peninsula. With a bibliography of Colorni’s publications.

Mauro Perani
Mauro Perani, PhD honoris causa - Hebrew University di Gerusalemme, è Ordinario di Ebraico presso l’Università di Bologna. Già Presidente (2006-2010) della European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS) e attuale Presidente dell’Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Giudaismo (AISG), dedica le sue poliedriche ricerche fra l’altro ai manoscritti ebraici, alla storia della cultura ebraica e agli epitaffi dei cimiteri ebraici italiani.
Mauro Perani, PhD honoris causa of The Hebrew University, is Professor of Hebrew at the University of Bologna. Former President (2006-2010) of the European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS) and current President of the Italian Association for the Study of Judaism (AISG), his multifaceted research deals with Hebrew manuscripts, history of Jewish culture and the epitaphs of the Italian Jewish cemeteries. - (settembre 2013) -

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