Giuseppe Allevi (detto ‘Piacenza’)

Monodie, duetti, terzetti, quartetti, dialoghi spirituali, messa dei morti, litanie della B. Vergine, sonate a tre
Secondo e terzo libro delle «Compositioni sacre»

Introduzione, testi musicali e letterari e apparato critico a cura di F. Bussi

2004, cm 17 x 24, 382 pp.

ISBN: 9788822253552

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The music which Giuseppe Allevi, chapel master of Piacenza Cathedral from 1652-1670, wrote for the ballet «Le ninfe del Po» on the text of Bernardo Morando in 1644 is lost. But we still have his various «Compositioni sacre» and especially his thirty-eight motets («sacri affetti») for one, two, three and four voices composed with vivid imagination and a sure hand. Special attention has also been devoted to his «dialoghi spirituali», implicitly dramatic oratorial «micro-scenes» designed to entertain and at the same time inspire devotion.

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